hahaha.i jus love my science teacher.althought i cant really understand wat shse teaching.but the great thing about her is...when u talk back her.she dont evn care.hahahaha.me,fa n law vuii lah tat.yesterday.she tegur us cus we were so noisy and we talk back at her.lek ja dia.hahahaha.it goes smthing like tis.
iffa/law vuii/science teacher/me
eh.tat four girls there.cannt stop talking one owh.
which four girls owh teacher?
lrd finish copy or not?oi.y u write use pencil one owh.
because i dont like to use pen woh teacher.
teda ink woh teacher.
i tot i ask u to stick tat to ur excersice book?
lrd stick wan woh teacher.but tercabut mah.
yawoh teacher.tercabut one mah.
need to change place lrd tis.boy and girl sit together.how many girls in tis class?
how many u want owh teacher?i sell one mah.
now u knw.how bad are we.hahahaha.seh.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
sakit bha tue budu.
neway,lok yuk got second.smesh got first.this year they gabung zon utara and zon selatan.bgs2 lok yuk buli dpt 1st.durg pula dtg.
and did i mention.our school is like the noisiest among all.byk lah lagu we all.athlet masuk padang pun ada lagu nie bha.hahahaha.rock bha kan mal?smpi bdk dari tun fuan pun balik2 tgk at us.hahaha.rock bha us kan mal.sia2 ja smk kolombong bwa kompang.lok yuk juga yg paling kuat bha.seh :p i knw.tapuji kan c dina.padahal lok yukl baru ja dpt second.kalo 1st len lah crita.hahahah.but still good bha.right?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
5ft tall bha.
pi sukat kk wit cous.i ate non stop nie bha today.ate meggi for breakfast.then mkn lagi nasi ayam in wisma.then ate ice cream.then ate the takoyaki thing,niceee :).then eat jmbu agen.thn went to granma hse to celebrate chap goh me.then eat agen.hahahaha.im so gaining wieght.ohya.byron poopoo on joel's pants.hahahah
today was so boring.sch jus getting boring-er.my KH teacher jus makes me yawn ever 5minuts.no shit man.boring gila nie bha.then we kena inject.syok bilang c marshall.kejang nie bha my arm.after sch.watch grammy smpi tertidur.i slept till 5 :40 tis.and now im not sleepy.shit.its 1:40am lrd and im still awake.u need to wake up at 5 lah later dina.
bha k lah.tidur dlu.nnt x tdr sy nnt.
pi sukat kk wit cous.i ate non stop nie bha today.ate meggi for breakfast.then mkn lagi nasi ayam in wisma.then ate ice cream.then ate the takoyaki thing,niceee :).then eat jmbu agen.thn went to granma hse to celebrate chap goh me.then eat agen.hahahaha.im so gaining wieght.ohya.byron poopoo on joel's pants.hahahah
today was so boring.sch jus getting boring-er.my KH teacher jus makes me yawn ever 5minuts.no shit man.boring gila nie bha.then we kena inject.syok bilang c marshall.kejang nie bha my arm.after sch.watch grammy smpi tertidur.i slept till 5 :40 tis.and now im not sleepy.shit.its 1:40am lrd and im still awake.u need to wake up at 5 lah later dina.
bha k lah.tidur dlu.nnt x tdr sy nnt.
lie la you bilang c marshall.
sorry for the late update.busy bha.with perbarisan practice.ok.lets strt mumble.
*what happen last week?
nothing actually happen today.except for perbarisan practice.punya skit urg dtg.
woke up and my whole body hurts.sakit gila nie.specialy my arm.i cant evn get up.apa lagi later wana march.mati la me :/ pagi and petang agen tat.
the whole morning nie bha i bad mood.sdh lah tgn sy sakit.then nadzmi being so strict.and anas.and a guy which i donno wats his name.penat nie bha.rehat pun 5 minit.apalah tue.org marching non stop and we only get a 5 minutes break?
after practice was planing to sleep.but mal and natalie wana go to all saint jmpa kwn durg so sy ikut ja la.i met carol :)
thn went back to lok yuk n sleep till 3:30.
masa practice i dono y.tiba2 c nadzmi not strict.usually if we not serious.sdh kena denda.he'll be like."SEMUA TURUN LIMA!KETAWA LAGI TMBH LAGI LIMA".but thn afternoon.we main2 x kena denda nie bha.hahahha.bha apalagi c izzat.buat lawak.
marching practice.but we awal siap cus got kokum.today was sukan & permainan.but golf teda perjumpaan.natalie they all oso teda squash.so we free till recess.tehheee!bha apa lagi.gossip :)
after school we jln kaki go complex.me,talie stacey n mal bertugas.we merayu d cigu so tat we can jaga the lompat jauh plce jus bcos to see lalaine.hahahaha.
after sport.i kena kasi tinggal bus.AGAIN!i donno wats up wit me balik2 kena kasi tinggal bus.hahahaha.bha apa lagi.bad mood bha trus.so i need to wait in smk punya bus stop.to wait the othr bus to come.then masa tukar bus.kima nie bha c awang sma c amirul.sempat lagi mengejek urg.sdh lah urg bad mood.l.trus tue amirul lagi satu.ada masalh owh tue bdk.pukul urg for no reason tis.
after marching pratice.we berlepak di dewan.we sleep for a while.like homeless tis us bilang c maroline.hahahahah.basah nie bha my shoe.eeeeeeeeee.tomoro marching cmptition man:/
means.tis will be the last marching practice.teheee..
scout get third.AGAIN!lets not talk about tat.after marching me and stacey sell ice cream :)and the seniours kan.punya budu nie.they dont evn promote ppl to buy d ice cream.thay jus stnd there n wait ppl to buy.cam mana mau buat business owh kalo gitu.evrthing oso dono.i ask pun smua x tau.budu nie bha.
erm.wheres the poster for the ice cream.cus im suppose to do the promoting.
ahh.i dono.
so how am i suppose to do d promoting?
i donno.nvmlah u jus stand here.
and the other seniour ask me.
what r u doin here?
im helping to sell the ice cream?im suppose to do the promoting.but i dont have the poster.
owh.so how la?
nvm.i'll help here.
nvm.i'll help here.
owh ok.
punya la.cam budu ja sy.photos?later i'll upload it.
*what happen last week?
nothing actually happen today.except for perbarisan practice.punya skit urg dtg.
woke up and my whole body hurts.sakit gila nie.specialy my arm.i cant evn get up.apa lagi later wana march.mati la me :/ pagi and petang agen tat.
the whole morning nie bha i bad mood.sdh lah tgn sy sakit.then nadzmi being so strict.and anas.and a guy which i donno wats his name.penat nie bha.rehat pun 5 minit.apalah tue.org marching non stop and we only get a 5 minutes break?
after practice was planing to sleep.but mal and natalie wana go to all saint jmpa kwn durg so sy ikut ja la.i met carol :)
thn went back to lok yuk n sleep till 3:30.
masa practice i dono y.tiba2 c nadzmi not strict.usually if we not serious.sdh kena denda.he'll be like."SEMUA TURUN LIMA!KETAWA LAGI TMBH LAGI LIMA".but thn afternoon.we main2 x kena denda nie bha.hahahha.bha apalagi c izzat.buat lawak.
marching practice.but we awal siap cus got kokum.today was sukan & permainan.but golf teda perjumpaan.natalie they all oso teda squash.so we free till recess.tehheee!bha apa lagi.gossip :)
after school we jln kaki go complex.me,talie stacey n mal bertugas.we merayu d cigu so tat we can jaga the lompat jauh plce jus bcos to see lalaine.hahahaha.
after sport.i kena kasi tinggal bus.AGAIN!i donno wats up wit me balik2 kena kasi tinggal bus.hahahaha.bha apa lagi.bad mood bha trus.so i need to wait in smk punya bus stop.to wait the othr bus to come.then masa tukar bus.kima nie bha c awang sma c amirul.sempat lagi mengejek urg.sdh lah urg bad mood.l.trus tue amirul lagi satu.ada masalh owh tue bdk.pukul urg for no reason tis.
after marching pratice.we berlepak di dewan.we sleep for a while.like homeless tis us bilang c maroline.hahahahah.basah nie bha my shoe.eeeeeeeeee.tomoro marching cmptition man:/
means.tis will be the last marching practice.teheee..
scout get third.AGAIN!lets not talk about tat.after marching me and stacey sell ice cream :)and the seniours kan.punya budu nie.they dont evn promote ppl to buy d ice cream.thay jus stnd there n wait ppl to buy.cam mana mau buat business owh kalo gitu.evrthing oso dono.i ask pun smua x tau.budu nie bha.
erm.wheres the poster for the ice cream.cus im suppose to do the promoting.
ahh.i dono.
so how am i suppose to do d promoting?
i donno.nvmlah u jus stand here.
and the other seniour ask me.
what r u doin here?
im helping to sell the ice cream?im suppose to do the promoting.but i dont have the poster.
owh.so how la?
nvm.i'll help here.
nvm.i'll help here.
owh ok.
punya la.cam budu ja sy.photos?later i'll upload it.
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